This is the incredible goal reached by the Kola Beach staff in the most "particular" year since we are open. Unbelievable.
Certainly the first thanks go dutifully to the guests who gave us a few minutes of their time to write an opinion about their stay in Mambrui on our official page on the famous TripAdvisor portal.
Satisfaction and gratification. These were the first feelings felt as soon as the news was made public. All the staff was gathered to analyze the reviews received this year, in order to have a clear understanding of our strengths and weaknesses along the entire chain that forms the service offered at Kola Beach. Because everything is based on the perception of our guests. If one fails, all fail.
Of the 232 reviews received, 80% are of the highest score, a percentage that reaches 93% if we also add the 4-star reviews.
The most interesting thing of all is that the most used phrase (several times, really. Go check) on our reviews is "home away from home". A big responsibility because there's nowhere you can feel better than your own home. But this is surely our best strength.
The team is strong and united to each other. I see departments that help each other even on duties not within their competence; I see employees stopping overtime to complete a task that otherwise would have had to be completed by the next shift.
These, I think, are the reasons for this achievement. And the guests evidently perceive it, appreciate it and reward these attitudes in addition to the mere service received.
A heartfelt thanks also to the owner, thanks to whom we are always put in the condition to be able to work at best in a cool and well-maintained resort. Without even an exception. Never.
Thank you all